Tired of breaking belts on your 2003-2005 model year Victory?
Tired of breaking belts on your 2003-2005 model year Victory? Here is the solution:
1) Buy a Conquest Customs Overdrive drive pulley for the front. https://shop.conquestcustoms.com/victory92odsprocket.aspx This will help correct the gearing and belt length needs for the second step…..
2) Buy a later style, Kevlar reinforced belt, Victory pn 3211102 that was used from 2006-2017. These are the “narrow” belts and are tremendously more robust. I’ve never seen one randomly snap like the old “wide” belt would.
3) Buy a later style rear pulley from a 2006-2017 model (they were all the same, just different colors and finishes). Then press in custom bushings (I can sell them to you, or you can make your own on a lathe) to make up for the difference on bolt diameter from older style to newer style.
Even though you’ve have a significant expense in the conversion, it’ll work out in the long haul when you’re not stranded far away from home with a broken belt….again!
The Vic Shop