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Home Forums Power Commander Maps Converting a PC 5 map to a PC 6 map Reply To: Converting a PC 5 map to a PC 6 map

  • Josh

    March 29, 2024 at 4:05 pm

    I got it figured out. Heres the work around. Youre limited to +/-15% per map.

    open pc 5 map, copy it and paste the values on to a pc6 zero map

    load it onto the pc6

    youll then notice that it automatically modified your map.

    create another map within that file.

    paste the pc5 map to the new pc6 map

    copy the pc6 map that you sent to the device

    ‘paste subtract’ to the new map

    send to the device

    at this point you should have 2 fuel maps loaded onto the device and that should allow you an adjustment range of 30%

    if you need another 15% create another map