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  • Steve

    August 4, 2022 at 11:57 am

    Just joined as I believe Rylan deserves back some of what he has given to the Vic community. I own my 4th and 5th Vic currently. In order, the Vics I have owned, 2008 Vision Tour, 2012 Vision Tour, 2014 Jackpot and my 2 current machines, 2014 Cross Roads Classic and a 2013 Cross Country Tour. Rylan helped me diagnose my starter clutch failure in my CRC, when I was too excited bringing it home in -20 temps, when I came home my HD buddy was there to help me offload, and I wanted him to hear a Vic with the Tri-Ovals, 20W40 and -20 was asking a bit much and it almost started then backfired. No more engine turn over. Call and email to Rylan and it was confirmed. Sure enough not long later he had a video posted how to repair it. Being on the East Coast in Canada it was awesome to have a resource like Rylan to help me. I hope this allows Rylan to continue his and our passions of Vics for many many years to come!