Backfire and result..
The unit is a 2013 Vic CCT with 47,000 miles. Went to start and it had a violent backfire shaking the bike. I shut it off waited a minute then restarted. Bike started but now has a tick or click sound. This is not a fast click but like on a 4 count,, click 1001, 1002, 1003, click. As I didn’t let it run at most 15 or 20 seconds I’m not sure of the location of the click. I have cked the cylinder compression thinking it may have bent a valve. Both cylinders tested above 180 so I don’t believe it has a bent valve. I then removed the left side cover exposing the clutch and mag to inspect this area. No broken gear teeth. Would like to have a new direction to look for the cause of the click.. Thank you, Al